This website is a collaboration between the Dutch Stichting Stimulering Doe Kunst and Agape Hope for Kibera based in Nairobi, Kenya. The heart of the operation is Agape’s school in the center of Kibera.

In the school 65 orphans and vulnerable children receive primary education and a hot meal. After school, they can go to the library that Agape has built and participate in extracurricular sports and games. The school also provides emergency aid in the form of food parcels, medical aid and sanitary towels.
Collins Orido Wasonga, is the founder of both the Online Slum Tour and the Agape Hope for Kibera foundation. He would like to introduce himself to you in his own words:
“I was born and raised in Kibera slums, located in East Nairobi Kenya. Having come from a humble background, things weren’t easy at all. My parents had 12 children with no job to sustain the entire family. Therefore we had to look out for ourselves. At some point we had to go to bed without eating anything. We had nothing, not even sandals or flip-flops. I mean we had to walk bare footed. Getting proper shelter itself was a problem. When it rained, especially at night, we were forced to gather at one corner of the house just to avoid to rained on. Coming from a slum where everything is possible, from drug abuse to robbery, I could see young people being killed by mob justice and few were jailed for life. It was so bad and I said that I am not going to die just like that. So, I decided that I will do something that will empower youth, women and children in Kibera through education, sports and small businesses. I am the coordinator and the founder of Agape hope for Kibera and my role in this tour is to ensure that people experience the real life situation in Kibera both online and offline”

Agape Hope for Kibera is currently working on multiple projects. Helping orphans and vulnerable children is a key point for the organisation. By offering meals at school, medical care and purchasing school supplies, these children get a fighting chance to make something of their lives. In this blogpost you can read more about the origin of this website.
The programmes include (among others):
- Education (pre-school, school preparation and school transition); providing children with basic education and literacy and numeracy skills, prepare them to be integrated into mainstream schools. Although primary education is free in Kenyan schools, the parents cater for other requirements in school and the compulsory school uniform often remains well beyond the financial means of many of the families we work with and, as a result, many children fail to receive a basic education.
- Feeding Programme to provide food to approximately 60 children as a means of school drop-out prevention.
- Healthcare to ensure children have regular medical check ups and are treated for any existing healthcare problems.
- Structured play and creativity to provide children with the opportunity to rediscover their childhood through play.
- Psycho-social Support for the children and their guardian, persons with disability, youths, women and men in the community.
- Micro Finance Programme to empower families to start income generating activities in order to promote independence and financial self sufficiency hence quality lives.
AGAPE HOPE FOR KIBERA is a Community Based Organisation which was started in 2006. But got registered in the year 2010.
OUR VISION: To ensure that the whole community gets access to the best quality of life.
OUR MISSION: Believe in building partnership transforming life. We give special attention to orphans, youth and other vulnerable groups.
We currently work in Kibera, Nairobi with plans to spread to other slums in Nairobi.
Over the past years we have been able to embark on an OVC program (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) which currently has 65 vulnerable children. We currently offer early childhood education to the children. We also offer porridge for breakfast and hot lunch and provide them with school uniforms and stationaries.
Agape Hope for Kibera mandate is to:
- Education on behavioural change and communication and linking community institutions for support.
- Giving equal care for the children with emphasis on girls.
- Training of youth leaders, job placement and skills.
- Engaging kids and youth in Arts/Theatre all these in effort to keep them away from substance abuse and criminal activities.
- Promotion of clean fun for the youth and children by initiating clean fun activities.
- We also carry our Kibera Tour for organized groups and individuals.
- We also do youth outreach to schools and to street kids and mentorship.
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